A first foray into e-books

September 28, 2011 § Leave a comment

Welcome to My WorldWho has it worse: stay-at-home moms, work-at-home moms or moms who work outside the house? There are as many answers to that question as there are mothers in the world. Editor Sarah Bryden-Brown has compiled 13 of those myriad answers (one of them mine) in a new e-book called “Welcome to My World.” In it, you’ll find evidence that the struggle to balance the demands (and rewards) of family with the demands (and rewards) of career includes no easy answers – just temporary solutions for how to get through each day without doing irreparable damage to our children, our identities, our aspirations and our ability to pull in a paycheck. The life of the working parent (and all parents are working parents) isn’t always easy, but downloading this highly readable e-book for Kindle or Nook is. My essay is called “Momming in the Middle” and it can be found, appropriately enough, about midway through the collection.

“Welcome to My Word” on Amazon (and Barnes & Noble)

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